Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Domain Names: 4 Simple Rules to Grab a Domain Name that Sells

Soon Chai Lim

If you're looking for a quicker and more effective way to create a good domain name for your website instead of following through the many tips on domain registration you'd found somewhere on the web, then read this article.

There are many do's and don'ts on domain registration flying around the web.

If you don't want to spend too much time on those when you wish to get a domain name fast, or you simply can't remember them all, then here's a quick catch of the 4 major rules that'll help you save time and money in obtaining catchy domain name for your website.

Warning: These are the fundamentals and you shouldn't miss out on any of them. And here they are…

Rule #1: Short

Why short?

Firstly, most people cannot remember long domain name. Secondly, long domain name is prone to typo when people type into their browser.

Some so-called experts said that a domain name should be long so that it clearly speaks out what the website is selling.

Well, this is true. But it may not be desirable because as mentioned earlier, long domain name is hard to remember and prone to typo. Agree?

Hence, as a rule of thumb, you should go for short domain name (like "Yahoo" and "Google") so that people are more likely to remember your domain name and get on your website again and again and again…

Many people are complaining that it's hard to get a short domain name nowadays. Well, not true.  If you think hard enough and stretch your creativity, you'll find one. Really.

To help get your creative juices flowing, you can try this: search for "expired domain name" in search engines.

By doing so, you may find the right domain name for your website from the list of expired domain names, if not, you can get some inspiration out of them and come up on your own with a very unique name for your website.

Rule #2: Logical

Two ways: one is to coin a domain name that logically ties in with what your website is selling, another way is to simply make your domain name the same as your company name.

For example, if you sell ebooks online, you should register ebooks dot whatever extension you like (best is dot com since it's always the first extension that most people try when searching for a website).

Or if your company name is called Example Pte Ltd, you should register "example.com". Period.

Rule #3: Spell Check

You MUST always check the domain name for any spelling error before you proceed to the order form and buy (register).

Just to let you know, registered domain name is refundable provided you request for the refund within 5 days from the date of registration.

If you register a domain name wrongly, for instance, instead of "example.com", you registered "exampe.com" (short of 'l' -- typo) instead, you can ask for a refund so long as you do not exceed the qualified period for refund which is generally 5 days.

[Note: Some domain registrars may have different qualified period for refund. Hence, it's advisable for you to check with that particular domain registrar before you register the domain name with them.]

What if you only realize the typo after 5 days? Then too bad, you'll have to stick with that misspelled domain name until it expires (the minimum expiry period is one year), whether you like it or not.

You can't edit the name even in your domain control panel, it's fixed once registered.

I'm sure you don't like to waste money on a misspelled domain name that you can't use, right?So, don't take chances. Spending just another 20 seconds to ensure your domain name is error-free is really a good bargain.

Rule #4: Register NOW!

According to statistics, more than 65 domain names are being registered worldwide in every second.

With that being said, if you've come up with a good domain name for your website, don't wait. Quickly register it to secure your position in case someone else snap it up before you do.

So, these are the 4 main basic rules you should always stick to whenever you register domain names. They'll make life easier for you.

Article Tags: Long Domain Name, Domain Name, Long Domain

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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